NHL:n varavaltuutettu ja pääasianajaja Bill Daly on julkaissut tiedotteen, jossa käydään läpi Washington Capitalsin tähtihyökkääjän Jevgeni Kuznetsovin IIHF:n hänelle langettamaa pelikieltoa. IIHF asetti Kuznetsovin neljän vuoden pannaan maajoukkue toiminnasta. Kuznetsov saa pukea Venäjän paidan ylleen seuraavan kerran keväällä 2023.
Tiedotteessa Daly kertoo Kuznetsovin hyväksyvän rutiiininomaisen testaamisen jatkossa.
Daly toteaa myös, että Kuznetsov tapaa NHL:n komissaarin Gary Bettmanin lähitulevaisuudessa. He keskustelevat venäläishyökkääjän tilanteesta. Kuznetsov on halukas osallistumaan Capitalsin harjoitusleirille. Harjoitusleirit alkavat syyskuun alkupuolella.
Bill Dalyn alkuperäinen tiedote:
have been fully briefed by the IIHF with respect to the positive test
result and related international sanction that has been imposed on
Washington Capitals' Player Evgeny Kuznetsov.
the IIHF, cocaine is not considered a performance enhancing drug and is
therefore not a Prohibited Substance under the NHL/NHLPA Performance
Enhancing Substances Program. Instead, it is considered a drug of
abuse that is tested for and for which intervention, evaluation and
mandatory treatment can occur in appropriate cases.
we understand that Mr. Kuznetsov has voluntarily sought help through
the education and counseling program provided for in the NHL and NHLPA
collective bargaining agreement and has agreed to a regular testing
protocol relating to his involvement with that program.
Kuznetsov has also agreed to an in-person meeting with Commissioner
Gary Bettman to discuss his situation and review his conduct prior to
the start of Training Camp preceding the 2019-20 season. We intend to
reserve further comment on any additional actions that may or may not be
taken with respect to today's announcement (disciplinary or otherwise)
pending the completion of the Commissioner's meeting with Mr.