Viime kauden sanottuja vielä..
-Pittsburghin Mellon Areenalla playoffseissa nähty plakaatti
"You’ve got to be a loon to watch hockey in June."
-legendaarisen maalivahdin Glenn Hallin mielipide kauden
kestosta nykypäivän NHL:ssä
"Nieminen is a pretty funny guy. He's a special guy. Nothing
really seems to bother him. He's going to wake up, he's
going to have a good day no matter what has happened the night
before, the day before or what is going on in his life.
It's good to have a guy like him around. He's excited to
come to the rink every day, just to be in the NHL and playing
for the Avalanche."
-Rob Blake
"Ville Nieminen is a little left of normal."
-Shjon Podein
"Is Nieminen nuts? Close to it. There's never a dull
moment with Nemo."
-Bob Hartley
"I keep telling the guys: "Don’t worry about me, I’m going home
to take a bath with the toaster."
-Minnesota Wildin maalivahti Jamie McLennanin huumoria
tappioiden keskellä
"There’s not too many 6-foot-8, white Canadians in the
NBA right now."
-pitkä hujoppi Steve McKenna kysyttäessä miksi hän valitsi
jääkiekon koripallon sijasta
Naisen näkökulma..
"Call me crazy but this playoff race was NOT fun. I enjoyed
it about as much as a visit to the gynecologist and don’t think
a pat on the ass is in order for the Oil."
-Kauniimpaa sukupuolta edustava toimittaja Tamara Charles
Edmontonin ja Dallasin pelisarjasta
Brian Sutter
"You know what, the old ways are going to be good ways in
Chicago. I think Brian Sutter is going to do an outstanding
job there; he’s got a bit of a bite to him, he’s not fancy,
he’s not funny, he’s just in your face all the time, he’s
going to make players accountable….Mikael Nylander, you
better get in shape, big boy.."
-Entinen NHL-valmentaja Pierre McGuire
"We don’t do too well, if we don’t have a Sutter."
-Blackhawksin Presidentti Bill Wirtz palkattuaan
Brian Sutterin Blackhawksin valmentajaksi
"You’re one of my heroes. It means a lot that you’re here."
-IIHF:n Presidentti Rene Fasel Wayne Gretzkylle.
Gretzkyn MM-kisamatka ei ihan onnistunut ingognitona, perillä
Väinö joutui pitämään lehdistötilaisuuden Hannoverin Radisson
Hotellissa yli 200:lle ainakin 16 eri maasta saapuneelle
Lisää viime kaudelta..
"I’ll guarantee that we’ll make the playoffs."
-Mark Messier New Yorkissa kauden alussa
"His giddy-up doesn’t giddy-up anymore."
-Glen Sather John MacLeanista
"Right now I’ve got to be the Messiah and fix the world hunger
and erase the national debt. I don’t know if I can do all that,
but everybody is looking for me to do it so I might as well give
it a shot.
George W. Bush called me this morning and asked me how we
can lower taxes. He wanted to know if I could come help put an
end to the Middle East Crisis too."
-Jeremy Roenickin mussutusta Keith Tkachukin treidin jälkeen
"There is somebody else?"
-Oleg Tverdovsky kysyttäessä mielipidettä George W. Bushin
kilpakumppanista USA:n presidentin vaaleissa
"The goal judge must be a Democrat. He wasn’t looking for a
real goal, just intent."
-Arturs Irbe protestoimassa maalituomarin ratkaisusta
"I’m at a loss for words."
-Mike Keenan saatuaan kenkää Bostonista
"When we win, we’re experienced. When we lose,
we’re old."
-Brendan Shanahanin kommentti vanhenevasta Red Wingsistä
"If I owed them another year, how can I get damages?
In English, how do you guys say it ? You can’t have your
cake to look at and eat it at the same time."
-Alexei Yashin
"I was hoping for a standing ovation from the fans. I felt
they deserved to see him get his butt kicked around. I thought
they’d appreciate that."
-Todd Simpson ihmettelemässä Ottawan fanien buuausta tapeltuaan
Alexei Yashinin kanssa
"You know how when you do a bad thing, you go into a timeout?
That’s what daddy is doing now. I’m in a timeout."
-Donald Audetten yritys selittää pelikieltonsa nelivuotiaalle
"Make it quick. We’re on a power play."
-Steve Heinze tikkaamaan tulleelle lääkärille Brad Mayn
mailan jälkeen
"I don’t give a crap whether Lindros ever plays again or if I
ever see him again. All he ever did was cause aggravation
to our team."
-Bobby Clarke
"When you ask for the house, car, cat, dog and all the fish
when you’re dealing with a player who’s got questions about
his health, no GM in his right mind is going to say yes and
offer to clean the aquarium too."
-Eric Lindros siitä miksi Clarke ei onnistu treidaamaan häntä
"I don’t know how anybody could quit and want to come back.
I’m dying to get out of this game. I don’t play good hockey
anymore. I used to be a good player, but the league has changed.
It takes away your skill. I would never miss the game the way
it’s going."
-Brett Hullin valitusta Mario Lemieuxin tehtyä paluun NHL-jäille
"That was a boring hockey game. That’s a sickly, boring game.
Right across from our bench in the first row, there was a guy
asleep on his wife’s shoulder. The guys was asleep in a game
with Mike Modano and Pavel Bure. I said, "There’s another
satisfied NHL customer."
-lisää Hullia
Don Cherryn uusimmat..
"If you were going into the seventh game of the Stanley Cup
Finals, who would you want in nets - Hasek or Patrick Roy ?
I rest my case."
-Don Cherryn mielipide NHL:n parhaasta maalivahdista
(Cherry valitsi silti Detroitin Stanley Cup-mestariksi 2002)
"Yanic Perreault is the best on draws, he throws in 20 goals
and he is French, which makes them happy as they now have
12 French guys in Montreal. They like their own.
Nothing wrong with that."
-Cherry Montreal Canadiensista
"I loved the way Tia Carrere described a defenseman. In her
mind he should be a big, tough, physical he-man.
And then out walks Nicklas Lidström…"
-Don Cherry NHL Awards -juhlan Norris palkinnon jaosta
(ks. Kolumni "NHL Awards 2001")
"Stevie Thomas has scored more goals in the playoffs than
Mogilny, Renberg and Reichel combined. The Leafs sign those
three floaters for $10 million, and they won’t cut Stevie $2.5
million. So much for being a loyal warrior who comes through
in the playoffs. It doesn’t make sense to reward floaters and
stiff your best playoff performers."
-Cherry Toronto Maple Leafsin kesäsiirroista
"Wayne Gretzky set many of his scoring records when he was playing
with Edmonton, and he was never injured. Everybody knows why.
With Marty McSorley and Dave Semenko riding shot gun for him,
Wayne was allowed to do his thing. Everybody was happy,
including the fans, because they paid thei money to watch the
superstar perform.
It got to the point that people would come to me and say, "Come
on now, be truthful, is there a rule that Gretzky can’t be hit?"
I would say, "Yes, there is a rule, only it comes from McSorley
and Semenko." The rule is: Touch Wayne and you are dead.
-Cherry ajoista ennen instigator-sääntöä
"Every little mask-wearing weasel is brave now because he
doesn’t have to pay the price."
-Ken Daneyko instigator-säännöstä
"Good luck with your hockey pools. I never win with all those
floaters you have to to pick to be successful."
-Don Cherry
"I don’t know. I don’t think. I’m a hockey player."
-Montreal Canadiensin Steve Shutt kysyttäessä mitä hän ajatteli
"Was Wayne Gretzky sick?"
-Montreal Canadiensin Larry Robinson voitettuaan Viikon Pelaaja-
palkinnon vuonna 1986
"I don’t like it. We can’t let foreigners take our jobs."
-NY Rangersin Ulf Dahlen aikoinaan kysyttäessä pitäisikö NHL:n
ottaa venäläisiä pelaajia mukaan
"My wife."
-Reijo Ruotsalaisen vastaus kysymykseen kenen henkilön
haluaisit tavata NY Rangersin Media-oppaassa
(Reksa oli vielä poikamies)
"First is first and second is nothing."
-Mike Keenan
"We sometimes have to hold closed meetings before games just
to get ourselves interested."
-Scotty Bowman vuonna 1977 kaudella jolloin Montreal hävisi
vain kahdeksan runkosarjan ottelua
"I feel sorry for Scotty. It must be tough to deal with
twenty-four all stars."
-Fred Shero
"It was like they had more than five men on the ice. It must
be the ghosts of Rocket and Lafleur."
-NY Rangersin Pierre Larouche pelattuaan Montrealin Forumissa
"I’m trying to teach some of the guys a lesson."
-LA Kingsin neropatti valmentaja Robbie Ftorek laitettuaan
Wayne Gretzkyn vilttiketjuun
"If you want to give lessons, I can give you a job teaching
in the American Hockey League. I’m here to win the f - - - - g
-Wayne Gretzkyn vastaus
(Ftorek sai kenkää pian tämän jälkeen)
"Our fans would rather have us win in English or in Chinese
than lose in French."
-Montreal Canadiensin presidentti Ron Coreyn kommentti
siihen, ettei Habseissä pelaa enää ranskankielisiä pelaajia
niin paljon kuin ennen
"The rule book is just a guide. If you called the game by the
book, you’d be the only guy on the ice."
-NHL-tuomari Ron Wicks sääntökirjan merkityksestä
"The way I saw it, Bobby Orr controlled the puck for forty
minutes and was nice enough to let the other thirty-five guys
in the game use it for the other twenty. He’s not a selfish
kid, you know."
-Derek Sanderson Bobby Orrin ylivoimaisuudesta
"I don't. I just leave him alone."
-Boston Bruinsin valmentaja Tom Johnson kysyttäessä miten
hän valmentaa Bobby Orria
"Come on over and we'll fix your knee in a month."
-Neuvostoliiton maajoukkueen lääkäri Igor Silin vakavana
pahoista polvivammoista kärsineelle Bobby Orrille
"What am I supposed to say out there - "Pass me the puck!"?
-LA Kingsin Jay Miller päästyään samaan ketjuun Wayne Gretzkyn
ja Bernie Nichollsin kanssa. Miller ei ollut ns. taitopelaaja.
"Tell him I’m not a finesse player."
-Tim Hunter Sergei Priahinin tulkille. Priahin antoi
ensimmäisessä NHL-ottelussaan Hunterille hienon
jättösyötön, jota Hunter ei koskaan nähnyt.
"Yeah, I bit him. The idea in a fight is to hurt your opponent.
And make sure you don’t get hurt. I fight back any way I can."
-Kenny "The Rat" Linseman purtuaan Lee Fogolinilta palan
poskesta tappelussa
"One night against Chicago, Dave knocked Denis Savard out of
the game with a hit. Was it clean? Sure. An elbow in the face.
There’s nothing clean about Dave. He’s a farm boy. They’re
all farm boys, the Hunters. Crude and mean."
-Glen Sather Hunterin veljeksistä
"I don’t want to be Coach of the Year, just coach for a year."
-Pat Burns saatuaan pestin Montrealin valmentajaksi
"If they get rid of it, where will the rats live?"
-Ted Green kuultuaan, että Boston Garden tullaan purkamaan
"Don’t worry, Jack, it wasn’t your fault. The kids just couldn’t
put the puck in the net."
-Kanadalaisen Olympiakomitean jäsenen lohduttelu Kanadan
koripallojoukkueen valmentajalle Jack Donahuelle hävityn
pelin jälkeen olympialaisissa
"Up front, you don’t have to think as much. That should help
-Don Maloney kuultuaan, että velipoika Dave on siirretty
puolustajan paikalta hyökkääjäksi
"If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing
your grandmother with her teeth out."
-Denis Potvin
"I don’t like to score too quickly on the power play. I’d
rather run ‘em around for two minutes."
-Fred Shero
"Hockey is a children’s game played by men. Since it is a
children’s game, they ought to have fun."
-Fred Shero