The Stanley Cup
"Missing the playoffs in the NHL is like having your name
left out of the telephone book."
-NY Islandersin Billy Smith
"I've held women and babies and jewels and money, but nothing
will ever feel as good as holding the Stanley Cup."
-Wayne Gretzky
"When the Stanley Cup is at stake, I can stand any amount
of pain."
-1900-luvun alun legenda Fred "Cyclone" Taylor
"Hockey is the only place where a guy can go nowadays and
watch two white guys fight."
-Urheilutoimittaja Frank Deford
"If you can't beat them in the alley, you can't beat them
on the ice."
-Toronto Maple Leafsin omistaja Conn Smythe
"We're going to have to do something about all this violence,
or people are going to keep on buying tickets."
-Conn Smythe
"I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke
-Koomikko Rodney Dangerfield
"If they want pretty skating, let them go to the Ice
-Philadelphia Flyersin 70-lvun valmentaja Fred Shero
"If hockey fights were faked, you would see me in more of
-Rod Gilbert
"If they took away our sticks and gave us brooms, we'd still
have fights."
-Phil Esposito
"I've said it time and again, and I know that there are
many students of human behaviour who disagree with me.
But, with my considerable experience, I feel that the
safest and most satisfactory reaction to being fouled is
by retaliating with a punch in the nose."
"Hockey is a violent game. If it isn't violent, it isn't
-NHL Presidentti Clarence Campbell
"A punch in the mouth never hurt anyone."
-Toronton Gerry James
"Good hockey should be a game of speed, stick-handling and
skating. If they want violence, they should go to the
wrestling matches."
-Fred "Cyclone" Taylor
"I think the odd scrap - without sticks - is a part of the
-Bobby Orr
"When you're a coach, you're miserable. When you're not a
coach, you're more miserable."
-Fred Shero
"Last season we couldn't win at home and we were losing on
the road. My failure as a coach was that I couldn't think
of anyplace else to play."
-Entinen Canucks-valmentaja Harry Neale
"My team only has trouble winning in two places - Canada
and the United States."
-Penguins-valmentaja Eddie Johnston
"I am happy I wasn't around for the crucifixion, because
I would have gotten blamed for that too."
-Entinen Colorado Rockies-valmentaja Don Cherry
"To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
-Fred Shero
"Any coach who believes he's deciding the game is fooling
-Yliopistovalmentaja Mike Sertich
"Gentlemen, I have nothing to say. Any questions?"
-NY Rangersin valmentaja Phil Watson medialle
"A hockey team is like a bird. If you hold your hand open,
it might fly away. If you hold it too tightly, you might
kill it. All you can do is cup it softly and hope it doesn't
shit in your hand."
-Hartford Whalers-valmentaja Jack Evans
"I know some players don't like my practices but that's okay
because I don't like their games."
-Harry Neale
"Some coaches couldn't coach a dog out of a storm with a
T-bone steak."
-Bobby Hull
"Coaching is like being a king. It prepares you for
-Herb Brooks
"My wife says I love hockey more than her. That's true.
But I do love her more than baseball."
-Devilsin valmentaja Tom McVie
"Tiger has the most experience."
-Roger Neilsonin selvitys miksi Tiger Williams lähetettiin
istumaan Canucksin jäähyä väärästä vaihdosta
Hienoja kohteliaisuuksia
"Bobby Clarke is a tenacious gap-toothed diabetic rink rat,
with the guts of ten dozen burglars."
-urheilutoimittaja Mark Mulvoy
"Sergei Fedorov is a faker and a liar and a cheap-shot
-Chris Chelios
"I hate John Brophy. If the two goals I scored tonight
help to get him fired, that's good. He deserves to be
fired. I even gave him the finger after the game. He's
a bad person. He's the worst human being I ever met,
including anyone I ever met in Czechoslovakia."
-Miroslav Frycer tehtyään kaksi maalia entistä joukkuettaan
Torontoa ja entistä valmentajaansa John Brophyä vastaan.
"Frycer? I'm sick and tired of that Communist. He sneaked
out through a hole in a wire fence somewhere and now he shoots
his mouth off. What did he do in his years here? How many
games did he play here the last two years between being
drunk and being arrested?"
-John Brophy
"Terry O'Reilly had a face that looked like it had been
kissed by a train."
-nimettömäksi jäänyt toimittaja
"Lester Patrick was so cheap he wouldn't give a worm to
a blind bird."
-Puolustaja Babe Bratt entisestä GM:stään
"They're a bunch of divers. They're a disgrace to their
-Peter Stastny USA:n joukkueesta Olympialaisissa
"When death defeats greatness, we mourn. When death
defeats youth, we mourn even more."
-Flyers-legenda Bernie Parent Pelle Lindberghin hautajaisissa
"You work hard when you get the opportunity to work hard.
That way you'll never let yourself or other people down."
-Wendel Clark
"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just don't lose."
-Montreal Canadiensin Dick Duff
"If I were a horse, they'd probably shoot me."
-Bobby Orr polvivammoistaan
"Hockey is a man's game. The team with the most men wins."
-Brian Burke
"If I wasn't talking, I wouldn't know what to say."
-Glen "Chico" Resch
"I don't know. I never saw myself play."
-50-luvun legendaarinen pakki Doug Harvey kun häneltä
kysyttiin; kumpi oli parempi, Orr vai Harvey.
"When I said my prayers as a kid, every night when I'd go
to bed I would get on my knees and tell the Lord I wanted
to be a professional hockey player. Unfortunately, I forgot
to mention National Hockey League, so I spent 16 years in
the minors."
-Don Cherry
"There are 800,000 Canadians living in the Los Angeles area,
and I've just discovered why they left Canada. They hate
-LA Kingsin alkuaikojen omistaja Jack Kent Cooke
"They pay me to practise. I'd play the games for nothing."
-Tim Horton
"With the exception of the teams going bankrupt, our league
has never been in better shape."
-Gordie Howe selvittämässä WHA-liigan finansseja
"Even a fire hydrant could score 50 goals with Wayne Gretzky
at centre."
-Glen Sather
"You've got two eyes and one mouth. If you keep two open
and one closed, you'll learn a lot."
-Gordie Howen neuvo nuorelle Wayne Gretzkylle
"John Ferguson of Montreal was the ultimate goon but I
wouldn't say it to his face."
-Kalle Brewer
"At age seventeen, Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux were
headed for greatness. At age seventeen, I was headed for
-Brett Hull
"I don't know what they are paying you, kid - but it ain't
-Boston Bruinsin Ted Green Bobby Orrille tämän ensimmäisellä